Change of Web/Blog address


Just letting you know that I’m changing my web/blog address to make a fresh start on my cartoons.  Based on the feedback received to date, most people prefer the cartoons as a stand alone and find that the Fact or Fiction concept gets in the way of the joke.  So I will be putting it on the shelf for now (awaiting to be reincarnated in a slightly different form at a later date).

I hope you still enjoy the cartoons, and please view my new site, offer feedback and subscribe if you still enjoy it.  Here is the site:

Fish Evolution: Take 1

Turn off the lights!

Exploding fairy dust

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird?…

Etiquette – when old meets new

Too many cooks….

Here boy! Fetch!

Snottite? Does that hang down from your younger brother’s nose?

Just in case you don’t believe me, check out these snottite photos and for more info read the NASA website’s article.

What did the stork deliver today?

I love the works of Tom Lehrer.  My sister and brother-in-law introduced me to his work in the days before iTunes and CD.  Getting his songs was harder then as you would have to scout second hand record stores for old LPs.  But now its easy – Check out his song Wernher von Braun on U-Tube.